Having known Tanya for 6 plus years now, it was a privilege to spend her wedding day with her. My wife Ronel was one of the Bridesmaids so it made the day that much more special. We helped setup the venue and create the absolutely wonderful atmosphere at Chandelier near Oudtshoorn. Tanya looked absolutely stunning on the day and Wessel was overwhelmed with joy and happiness. A big thanks to Cecile for helping me on the day and getting those extra shots.
Click on the thumbnail image to view a selection of images!
Hi, baie dankie vir die voorsmakie! Jou vrou het stunning gelyk!
Awesome photos!
Awesome photo’s, you guys look stunning. 🙂
Wow….julle 2tjies het sooooo mooi gelyk. Dit is regtig stunning foto’s….!!!!
Tanya, jy het sooooo mooi gelyk!!!
Baie dankie dat ons jou droom rok saam met jou kon beplan, en gemaak het. Dit was baie spesiaal.
[…] photographed Wessel & Tanya’s back in December 2010 and I was so excited for them on the marriage day. Now, they are expecting a […]